Deep Presence and Support
I had the pleasure of being supported by Lindsey during Layla Martin’s Eros retreat- and even so intimate as we shared one of the partner practices together. Even though that partner practice was only an hour long, I could feel the potency of Lindsey’s embodiment, wisdom, and capacity as a coach/space holder. It was an immediate energy of safety, compassion, support, and love I felt from her, even before we shared a word or practice together. Throughout the practice, I felt Lindsey’s encouragement and celebration in my liberation as well as her compassion & acceptance (as I was in a space of deep trigger). She held my energetic, emotional, and quite literal body with reverence & love, something I had not deeply experienced in my life until this practice we shared, through her deep listening and attunement. She was a “yes” to all of my experience – which I found allowed me to drop into the experience even more and helped me find my own deep “yes” for all of my experience. And on top of the deep space she held and led me through, there were moments of laughter and play. This deep practice that I shared with Lindsey really showed me how I could stay with & honor myself while receiving the support of & surrender to another- and it really set me up in deep knowing and confidence that I could co-create the type of experience I came to the retreat for (which happened the next day!). In my short time with Lindsey, she truly helped me anchor into my power, truth, and deeper acceptance + compassion for myself. I could only imagine how this would deepen with her as my coach!