Transformed My Relationship with Anxiety!
Lindsays anxiety hangover class helped me in a profound way that I was not expecting at all.
I had no expectations going to the class, just curiosity as I have suffered from anxiety in many forms throughout my life.
Lindsay created a beautiful container for the class. I felt safe and at ease, which really helped me drop in and connect to my anxiety in a way I hadn’t before. I learnt about the different types of anxiety, which was really interesting and helped me reflect on just how many areas it was affecting me.
Lindsay took me on a journey that helped me discover and understand my anxiety better.
What I really loved was that it felt fun and light. Like playing a game nearly. I felt it was so accessible. Something I could share with friends and family.
I felt really happy and joyous after the class. I had this new understanding and appreciation for my anxiety.
The best part was the next day when I went into a situation in work that has been causing me great anxiety daily for nearly a year.
The situation came up….and
incredibly my anxiety did not.
That repeated looping voice that once it started would not stop…just did not appear. I even called it out. It was like it was sulking. The fact that it felt like it was sulking made me giggle. It gave the whole situation a light and playful feeling.
This has been such a huge help to me. This tool I think will be a help to me for the rest of my life. I can’t wait to share it with my loved ones.