Wolf & Moon
Core Offerings
Transformed My Relationship with Anxiety!
Lindsays anxiety hangover class helped me in a profound way that I was not expecting at all. I had no expectations going to the class, just curiosity as I have suffered from anxiety in many forms throughout my life. Lindsay created a beautiful container for the class. I felt safe and at ease, which really helped me drop in and connect to my anxiety in a way I hadn't before. I learnt about the different types of anxiety, which was really interesting and helped me reflect on just how many areas it was ...
Deep Presence and Support
I had the pleasure of being supported by Lindsey during Layla Martin's Eros retreat- and even so intimate as we shared one of the partner practices together. Even though that partner practice was only an hour long, I could feel the potency of Lindsey's embodiment, wisdom, and capacity as a coach/space holder. It was an immediate energy of safety, compassion, support, and love I felt from her, even before we shared a word or practice together. Throughout the practice, I felt Lindsey's encouragement and celebration in my liberation as well as her compassion &...
Ashley M.
Incredible Space Holder!
Lindsay is an amazing space holder! She has a natural ability to tune into you and meet you where you are at with no judgement, only love. She sets a container that is safe and welcoming to all experiences whether working with an individual or in a group setting. I highly recommend working with Lindsay no matter where you are coming from.
She Sees Your Devine Essence!
From the first words she spoke to me, Lindsay had me feeling more open, more confident, and more deeply connected to my power. It was instantaneous. She has a true gift; she is a seer. She also lives and embodies what she is offering to others. The things she has reflected back to me about myself have felt so delicious to receive, like she is seeing my divine essence and inviting me to look at it too. She brings her whole heart to her work but she also models boundaries in a way ...
Support that Transforms and Heals
I had the pleasure of meeting Lindsey during a Tantra retreat, where she served as one of the assistant coaches. After one of the practices, I found myself needing more support to process and move through my feelings. I chose to approach Lindsey for this. From the very start, Lindsey was incredibly approachable, open, and deeply sensitive to my needs. She made me feel completely seen and understood, offering a safe space where I could truly express myself. With her compassionate and loving presence, she guided me through shifting my perspective in a ...
Gentle, Intuitive, and Healing
I met Lindsay during an Eros Retreat, which was a very intense time for me in my healing journey. During this time, she was really helpful in helping me see the bigger picture through my experience in life and also holding space for me when I needed warmth and love instead of judgement. Her energy is so gentle but also holds lots of life experience. She is very tuned into what you need even when you are so in the thick of things you can’t see the bigger picture...
Heartfelt, Attuned, Transformative Presence!
Lindsay staffed the Vita-Eros retreat I recently did. From day one, she was tuned into me. She gave me a whole list of my good qualities that even I wouldn’t have come up with. At the same time, she could see where I was bottled up and holding back. Throughout the retreat, she invited me to loosen up and play. More importantly, her attention made me feel at home in what otherwise could have been an intimidating environment. She did some beautiful energy work...
Highly Recommend!
She is so great! Very attuned, grounded, caring, steady, encouraging and powerful. I recommend her to anyone!
Unearth Your Inner Gem!
Lindsay has a unique air about her that just exudes trust and kindness. I just want to open up to her and be vulnerable and raw, expose all of myself to her, because I know I will be held immaculately thru it all! She is a gem and helps excavate the gem within us as well.
A Ritual Date Night to Remember!
Ritual Date Night was an enjoyable and a learning experience. Determining my obstacles and what I desire ( excluding another to provide that for you) was more difficult than I thought. It made me look into myself and really and scan my true feelings. It was valuable for me to think about what I liked about my partner and about myself. Something I should do regularly. Lindsay and Sean were a great team ….enthused, relaxed, sincere ….offering simple, practical yet thought-provoking ideas. “Slow down and...
B. Kathleen